Brains4Buildings Webinar: Indoor Climate Label: User-centric assessment methods of comfort and health
Description: The Indoor Climate Label is a new and independent quality mark for buildings that demonstrates how healthy a building is. The score is based on four components: air, light, climate and sound. The Indoor Climate Label makes clear at a glance: how the indoor climate of a building is doing and provides the owner with the assurance that predetermined performance requirements are actually being met.
Presenter: Piet Jacobs. He is a senior researcher at TNO in Delft in the field of indoor environment and energy saving. With over 20 years of experience in ventilation and heat recovery.
About the Brains4Buidlings project: Brains for Building’s Energy Systems (B4B) is a multi-year, multi-stakeholder project focused on developing methods to harness big data from smart meters, building management systems and the Internet of Things devices, to reduce energy consumption, increase comfort, respond flexibly to user behaviour and local energy supply and demand, and save on installation maintenance costs. This will be done through the development of faster and more efficient Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence models and algorithms. The project is geared to existing utility buildings such as commercial and institutional buildings.
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