
Brains4Buildings Webinar: Smart Building Assessment

Donderdag 17 februari 2022
16:00 tot 17:00
Soort: Online
Profielfoto van Mirjam Harmelink
1 minuut lezen

Brains4Buildings is a multi-year, multi-stakeholder program focused on developing methods to harness big data from smart meters, building management systems and the Internet of Things devices, to reduce energy consumption, increase comfort, respond flexibly to user behaviour and local energy supply and demand, and save on installation maintenance costs. This will be done through the development of faster and more efficient Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence models and algorithms. The project is geared to utility buildings such as commercial and institutional buildings. Brains4Buildings is working toward the development of affordable smart software that is ready for broad market uptake. It will run from 2021-2025.

Starting from February 2022 we are organising monthly webinars where professionals will highlight actual topics within the smart buildings spectrum. Our first speaker will be Christina Papchristou, data analyst and product owner at Deerns who will talk about Smart Building Assessment.

There is a global trend to make buildings more and more smart. Tenants, buildings owners and managers want to advance the value of their assets. Several certifications are offered for smart buildings with most of them focus only on one aspect or industry or are still in early development. A holistic approach for smart buildings is needed for investors and building owners to assess their assets regarding smartness. By combining client wishes, consulting expertise and A various set of guidelines and certifications, a smartness quick scan or assessment checklist has been defined.

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